Independent School League Guidelines

独立学校联盟要求所有成员学校在其网站上公布联盟的行为准则, as follows.
ISL为其球员、教练和球迷所表现出的行为和体育精神感到自豪. 我们重视激烈和公平的比赛,以及对我们的球员和球队的积极支持. 为了确保每个赛季和每场比赛都能保持我们预期的礼仪水平, 我们要求ISL社区的所有成员不断更新他们的努力,遵守我们联盟的理念.
Athletic competition in the ISL is guided by the following ideals:
运动员和教练在任何时候都应以荣誉代表他们自己和他们的学校, proper, conduct, and good sportsmanship. 他们应该明白,竞争对手是被鼓励的,但不尊重对手是不符合体育精神的,而且会降低竞争的价值. They shall confine the competitiveness of the game to the field, 尤其是在场边和更衣室里,无论是赛前还是赛后,都要举止得体.
The Players and Coaches:
运动员和教练员应完全服从裁判的裁决. In no way, either by voice, action, or gesture, shall they demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the decision made. Players and coaches must never forget that they represent their school.
The Spectators:
ISL schools will not tolerate at their athletic contests any spectator, either student or adult, whose behavior is disrespectful towards players, officials, coaches, or other spectators. ISL学校也不允许任何形式的观众行为,这种行为既会影响比赛的正常进行,也会对球员或球队造成不利.
Expulsion Rule:
运动员或教练因“不符合体育道德的行为”或其他恶劣行为而被开除出校际比赛的,将丧失参加下一次定期举行的校际比赛或该运动的锦标赛的资格. 我们鼓励体育主管和被取消资格的违规者进行对话.

Independent School League
Code of Conduct and Essential Understandings for Member Schools

这份文件表达了ISL所有校长的相互理解. It is to be shared by ISL Athletic Directors annually with all coaches, who are then expected to support these values with their teams, 无论是通过他们的行动,还是他们对球员和球队行为的期望. 所有的ISL教练和球员都必须记住,在所有的体育比赛中,他们代表联盟中的所有学校.


通过体育竞赛共同奋斗,达到最高的诚信程度, sportsmanship, 公平竞争和相互尊重为良好的公民身份和社会领导力做准备.


ISL为其球员、教练和球迷所表现出的行为和体育精神感到自豪. 我们重视激烈和公平的比赛,以及对我们的球员和球队的积极支持. 为了确保每个赛季和每场比赛都能保持我们预期的礼仪水平, 我们要求ISL的所有成员不断更新他们的努力,遵守我们联盟的理想.

运动员和教练在任何时候都应以荣誉代表他们自己和他们的学校, proper conduct and good sportsmanship. 他们应该明白,竞争对手是被鼓励的,但不尊重对手是不符合体育精神的,而且会降低竞争的价值. They shall confine the competitiveness of the game to the field, 尤其是在场边和更衣室里,无论是赛前还是赛后,都要举止得体. Players and coaches shall comply fully with the rulings of the officials. In no way, either by voice, action or gesture, shall they demonstrate dissatisfaction with the decisions made. They must never forget that they represent their school.

ISL schools will not tolerate at their contests any spectator, either student or adult, whose behavior is disrespectful toward players, officials, coaches or other spectators. ISL学校也不允许任何有损于比赛的正当行为或对球员或球队不利的行为.

为了加强我们深深重视的协会,并加强我们对我们的座右铭和行为准则的承诺, ISL Heads of School endorse the following essential understandings:

1. 所有的ISL学校都认为,团队建设和体育竞赛的经验可以增强学生的性格. 对卓越的追求是他们日常课堂体验的一部分,也应该体现在我们的运动场上. Indeed, 我们的运动场是我们教室的延伸,需要代表我们机构的最佳价值. All athletes, 来自ISL学校的教练和观众将在任何时候通过为自己的球队加油来表达对彼此的尊重, but not against the other; by not tolerating profanity or profane actions; by opposing any sort of "trash-talk" or attempts to humiliate opposing players or teams in any manner, both during games and away from games (verbally, physically, or through digital means). 学校校长和体育主管将努力在全校范围内维护这些理想,包括球迷和参与者.

2. 所有的ISL学校和他们的教练都明白,所有易胜博app安卓下载比赛的联赛和运动特定的规则和规定都必须在精神和文字上得到维护. In particular, all ISL schools respect, in word and in action, 联盟易胜博app安卓下载研究生不合格的规定,以及仅根据学生证明的经济需要提供经济援助/奖学金的承诺.

3. 所有ISL教练都必须坚定地作为教育者,不仅要教授竞争技能,还要教授达到尊重和尊重的最高标准所必需的态度
sportsmanship articulated by the league. Coaches must take the lead in limiting lop-sided competitions, preventing humiliating behavior or playing tactics, congratulating opposing
players, coaches and teams at the end of games, and reinforcing a commitment to fair play in all circumstances. 联盟中的每所学校都应该自信地派出球队,因为每个教练都像关心自己的球员一样关心对方球员的健康和安全.

4. 所有ISL成员学校将认真遵守有关招生的联盟协议, recruitment, and financial aid principles, procedures and awards.

5. 所有ISL学校的校长和体育主管都承诺公开和直接地相互沟通,并在出现问题时有效地合作解决问题.